An eclectic assortment of photos this evening. Painted some furniture today. White. It is painting, after all.
As you can see, the Bed/Sit is looking good. Since I was working on the table, the fireplace mantle filled up with stuff from there.
The pile of keybards (there's a Freudian Slip if ever there were one) on the card table is the beginning of a keyboard cairn for in front of my house. There's a spot cleared already on the wooden platform that was already in place. Lord willing, I'll get more work done on this tomorrow.
As for the varmint, I thought I heard something so I pointed my camera at the rustling and sure enough, he/she/it was there. I had to rush upstairs, beating it to the punch, that is, getting into my apartment before it did. Last time this happened, I was an hour getting it out.