

Monday 1 November 2010

Winter's Coming; It's Crowded on the Sun Porch

The season's changed rapidly here in Ottawa. It snowed three days ago, early for us, and it didn't totally melt, stayed cold. Time to bring in the house plants that have enjoyed a summer outside and reposition them on the sun porch which is also the storage area for the Quirky B's.

Wanting to winter-over scores of geraniums, some of which came from my grandfather's grave at Notre-Dame and others from various flower beds and planters around the neighbourhood, means that space is tight.

To the left, you can see how the Tim board and The Contender board are a bit cramped not to mention with a dusting of soil from the plant pots.

 Upper left, you can see the planter I glued keys on. As mentioned before, it weathered the summer well and perhaps I'll come up with new ideas of what to do with keys as the winter progresses.

These geraniums will be cut back and become dormant once the blooms fade but right now, growing under three incandescent light bulbs, they are flourishing. The Quirky B's are layered on shelves below.

No organization has gone into the sun porch as yet. Plastic sheeting has to be put on the windows very soon as this is an unheated room, at least, heated during the day only the the three light bulbs and then at night, it sometimes comes perilously close to freezing. Never lost a plant yet, though.