This is a Quirky B that was done using earring backs. Striking. A similar idea to the slugs on a guitar case. I wonder what it would take to put a brand into some of the slugs.
Using the above case is simply for showing possibility. The case is an old wooden one covered in the ubiquitous black material. It's like what Mercedes-Benz used to call, MB-Text, an indestructible material that looked and felt like leather but wore better. What I want to do is to remove the black outer cover and then repair, if needs be, and varnish the underlying wood. It's very fine-grained. Could be a laminate, could be shaped plywood or could be teak!
The reason I am assuming that this can be done is that the hardware on this case has been applied using screws. Most other cases have the clasps riveted in place which make it difficult to remove and reapply them.
And then there's the "Cock Show" advert. A colourful post card which crows about the upcoming Tuesday, September 17 Vernissage. I predict that there will be 30 to 40 works by other artists on the walls by Tuesday. Exciting!