

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Mystery of The Log Magazine

Found it! I checked Annapolis, Maryland and there was vague reference to the naval college there. Odd, that, because The United States Naval Academy, or Navy, is a huge deal. 

In looking further, under student interests, there it was, in a list of 100 or so student clubs, between the Surface Navy Association and the  Ultimate Frisbee Team, The Log. I shall contact, uh, Salty Sam, and see if he'd like me to send them what I have in the shape that it's in. If I work quickly enough, there might be time to include some of the 1928 Valentine's content in the next edition which, fortuitously, could be in February.  

The Log Magazine

The LOG Magazine is an organization of Midshipmen whose purpose is to publish a humorous periodical for the enjoyment of the Brigade.  The LOG Magazine is an outlet for creativity, artistic ability, and comedic talent.  The LOG staff meets every Monday night during the school year.