

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Paper Treasure from Feb. 10/28

I have scant recollection of where this magazine  called, The Log, may have come from.

There is nothing to indicate even where it was published although it is certainly the USA and perhaps Annapolis. It could be a school newspaper or quarterly newsletter. There is great emphasis given to the ads with "Patronize our Advertisers" at the bottom of each page. The humour is puerile and the art, fundamentally bad. Many one-line jokes and silly cartoons.

It's the display ads that lead me to believe that this 11" x 9" publication was published for people graduating as military officers. The red cover and back cover were detached and the front cover, a little worse for wear, needs reassembling and there is one small piece is missing.

I wonder who might want to have something like this in their collection of memorabilia. I'm open to suggestions.

The back of the cover.