

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Update of Boards for Artist Site

I think these two Marilyns did not get included in last evening's entry.

And I know that the Tims Board wasn't part of last evening's blog. I gave Patrick a choice of these boards with captions and without. My program does not do lettering any larger which makes labeling less than optimal.

 Я думаю, что эти два Marilyns не получить включены в прошлом вечернего вступления. И я знаю, что TIMS клавиатура не был частью вчера вечером в blog. Я дал Патрик выбор этих советов с Captions И БЕЗ.

So how'd that Russian work out for everyone last eve? I like the robot woman although I doubt anyone could learn proper pronunciation given the stilted nature of her robotic voice. I'm sticking with plain translation this eve. A welcome to our Russian friends.

You've heard me say it before, this is the year of international marketing!