especially for carting art and supplies to and from shows. And this is why I was so disappointed when it disappeared, seemingly stolen.
But it had not been taken by a thief. Rather it had been taken by
misadventure. In fact, it had been taken by mistake by a friend
who'd come by in a five tonne truck to pick up donations for a huge
garage sale held annually, the last weekend in May. He accidentally
me much in need of a conveyance to transport 15 guitar cases to and from the venue.
Well, just look at what I've replaced it with. A little red wagon. Not so little and heavy, to boot, a real workhorse of an implement.
I've been telling everyone that it came over on the ark with Noah.
I am certain that if this wagon is of the last millennium, it is early
on, if not from the millennium before that. Just look at those wheels. There are no markings, no name. Probably, this is a homemade wagon, maybe a kit, at least the chassis and wheels might have come in a kit. The man who sold it to me says that it had been in his family for as long as he could recall.
The wagon was certainly much older than he, and I am sure, much older than me.