

Sunday 28 April 2013

Etchings Find Good Home

The two etchings found at the side of the road were presented to the congregation at St. Andrew's United Church in Williamstown, ON this morning. There was a smaller, black and white etching by the artist dated 1972 on display in the church hall, which might have been a preliminary to the subsequent full-colour print.

Rather unexpectedly, I discovered yesterday that one of the etchings is of St. Mary's Catholic Church in Williamstown but I left both etchings with St. Andrew's and it is up to them what to do with it. The artist, Robin Wall, is a former parishioner and they may want to start a collection of his work and keep it or they may want to give it to St. Mary's. You can see below from the photo taken in the vestry that the church likes older framed work. There is a collection of portraits of the 13 ministers who have served at this church since the early years. Three have been women and of the ten men, several served for decades.

Robin Wall's work graced the front
of this bulletin.