

Friday 13 December 2013

Gone with the Blonde

Gone with the blonde. Hard to realize how involved it was to maintain that look. And it's not as if I was holding off jet black! So the above products have been deep-sixed and instead, riffing on the blue eyebrows of a young woman working at my local pharmacy, I decided to try a bit of blue in my hair. The semi-permanent colour is called Not So Shy Violet but I think they mean Violent Blue. I just did the half end of a pony tail, mixing the Beyond Zone Color (sic) JamZ with conditioner and then bagging the mess and leaving it in overnight. Works real good that way. Boy, does it. I am less than half a blonde and definitely more than half a blue.

Now that I've stopped shaving my eyebrows, I fully expect to look like an Ewok within six months.