

Wednesday 1 December 2010

No Joy

Spoke to the people at the Stittsville library, held out the olive branch, suggested that I bring a smaller show, one that can be placed higher, out of the hands of children and the curious.

Apparently, some other artist has displaced me within hours and there is no going back.

I offered to share the space but this is, apparently, not possible because the space is inadequate for me, so says the librarian. Over and over again, I have said that I want to hang my art in the library. I have anticipated this show for a year, have created several boards specifically for this show and have worked at publicizing the show.

This afternoon, I spoke with the office of the Head of the Library Board and I called the Stittsville News and told them that tomorrow's interview is off.

I will now have to intervene with Facebook and Twitter in order to ensure that no one who has looked at my blog will expect my art at the Stittsville Library.